Bald elves

Thought i would post these chaps up............its been ages since i last made something. Not the most festive of colours but felt that all that sneaking around trying to gather treats for their winter stash.......muted colours would suit their needs best :O)
Have had these two waiting to be finished for awhile now and now that its cooler and with Christmas around the corner.......... I may well just give them a colourful candy cane or woolly hat and scarf ??????
Mind....I think what with the winter chills........I think its time I at least pop some hair on these two!

Mini monsters

All finished.......
I had a lot of fun with these although large Lily was my third attempt and im not all that happy with her, although I do like the others.
Unfortunatly the first Lily I made too big and the second got burnt in the oven. I think I should have maybe stepped away......but its all part of the learning curve.
Talking of learning ...Hermans jacket was the first mens/monsters I have made and is removable too! So I was chuffed about that and although I can see faults with it, the experience has taught me a lot.
When it came to mini 24th hermans jacket I was able to make his with a bit more ease and again its removable.

The Piccy challenge!

Julie of Bellabell dolls asked me to find the 4th pic from the 4th file on the here it is.....most def not as cute as Julies little Ellie!
This is a bald, rough around the edges12th scale Herman, body parts for 12th lily lying at 24th lilys feet....and last but not least ....24th herman who was waiting for me to put him together.
They are all finished now and was thrilled to have them appear in AIM magazine this month.

I going to pass along the Bella sinclair award and the forth pic challenge to:
Thought i would post some pics of past dolls. They are from the grandmother and grandchild series that I quite often find myself drawn back to from time to time.....i think its just such an emotional and magical bond.
Inspired from the tale of the Little matchstick girl . Feb 2008
Tudor servants - grandmother and grandchild. Feb 2009


Well heres my W.i.p of Herman. Hes had his first lick of paint but needs a few finishing touches :O)
I am working on a jacket for him at the moment.....I have only really made females before so its a bit of a challenge actually dressing a male....esp one with such 80s sized shoulders:O)
Anyway heres his pic......

I found out i recieved another award from Julie over the weekend.......many thanx ...blushing and feeling very humbled. Well along with Debies i now have lots of nice things i can choose:O)
My daughter moved out yesterday and its very empty and echos in her room now...Feel very sad standing there starring at the couple of boxes that remain.......I know shes not far away but it kind of brings it home to you they have left home.
Sorry about no new pics....What with decorating and the move, theres so much dust flying around , if i got the clay out i would end up sculpting a hairy fairy....:O)


In the last couple of days of have recieved two more awards , i really im so flattered that people have thought about me and sent them my way.
The first one was sent from my dear friend Julie from Bellabelle dolls
and the second was from my new friend Debie from Piskies and poppets.
I will pass along Julies in a few days after a wee think and then have a good think about my fave things for one from Debie...theres such a lot of nice people and things to choose from. Work wise I have finished my second 24th witch but im not too happy with you ever look at a doll and theres something missing......well this one has just that feel to her! I have a few ideas to play around with but she at least has some hair now.....poor thing had been very bald for a long time....bless:O) Talking of getting things finished i have neglected poor ole Herman.....i need a sound telling off and nudge to get motivated i think. Will deff have to sit myself down and get his limbs finished and attached.

Wendies gift

I want to thank Wendie for my first was such a lovely suprise and felt a bit choked when i read why she gave it too me...thank you soo much Wendiexxx
Not sure how this works so i have snaffled the writing from Wendies blog and it goes like this:
This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!”So I now have to pick eight bloggers to pass this onto. The trick is trying to pick someone who hasn't been awarded that same thing

NJD Miniatures for being so creative and bubbly
Bellabelle's Blog A talented lady that has an inner strength and kindness that glowsxx
Fairystudiokallies For a magical imagination that reminds me of childhood
WendiesMiniWorldi know you have one but you deserve more xx
Piskies and Poppets For being strong, creative and a friend to manyxx
Odd-Dolls for sharing her art
Witch and Wizard Miniatures For being a lovely bubbly person with such a fun blog
Mags-nificent Miniatures For working so hard to promote others and for her wonderful minis
Oh Mini of Mine for being such a nice person
The Art of Silke Janas-Schloesser for her magical fairytale work

Was really hard to choose , and think i have repeated some but they all deserve the awards

A lick of paint!

Had to double check how long its been since i last wrote and trying to think where the time has flown off too? Well apart from turning our bedroom upside down after the notion that it needed you do. One of the problems is that my studio space/corner is in my bedroom and my clay and long awaited trims have been put away in that "safe place"........what more can i say :O)
Its bound to turn up........only in one of the many boxes that was packed to keep things
To add to this we have our daughter moving out on Saturday and then we have her younger sister awaiting her small problem is the small house and its quirky move anything such as a bed, it has to be taken apart and put back together as you can imagine everything becomes a tad jigsaw like......mmmmmmmm.....happy days....... :O)
Why does a lick of paint become a!
Anyway a few more days (all pinkies crossed) and everything will look lovely and the dust will have settled enough to get out the clay.........wherever it is :O)

24th Scale Red Witch

Well she took a while to complete but i got there in the end:O)

I still have her sister to finish but I have at last got round to taking reds photo.

Her hat is removeable but i ran out of light to take any more pics.

We now have lots of grey skys and rain....but its cosy inside, so can't complain:O)

Hope everyone has a good week:O)

Mini Lily

Just a few pics of Lily.
She is my first 24th scale doll and was really only a trial to see if i could do 24th scale. I have fallen in love with making this size, its such a challenge to do things on such a small scale....don't think im ready for 48th!!!!
Going to try my hand at the Munsters family in this scale well as a few other spookys that have inspired over the years:O) Hopefully get one of my 24th witches finished today.

Herman gets a head

Well its not been the most productive of weeks but had the best of intentions....Got Herman Munsters head just about sculpted and wrestled with Lily but she would not come out of the will have to watch a few episodes of the Munsters .........all in the name of research of course!!
I still have my 24th scale witches to trim and one to wig so WILL get that done this week and post some pictures up soon!
I also have a 12th scale witch or two on the go and while im thinking about it, you should check out Bellabelle's Blog she has some fantastic new dolls.

Anyway here is a peep at Hermans head...... still unbaked wet clay in need of some scraping and adjustments.
Hes 12th scale but a 24th is on the drawing board


This is a piccy of our Molly. She is only very young here and still has her blue eyes. We discovered that she has extra toes and thumbs after she had been home about three days...... so it looks like she actually has mittens on.
Because of the extra digit's her back feet look back to front and more like rabbits feet.
We love her to bits and think she is totally adorable....extra toes n all :O)
We did some research into the extra toes and found that they were actually loved and kept by Hemingway and gained his name along with mitten cats and polydactyls.
Also thought to be omens of good luck and favoured by witches for my expense, this last fact tickled my husband no end..............bless him:O)
Well I hope every one has had a good Easter break and now looking forward to the rest of the week.
Well im off to settle down and finish off the last of the chocs:O)


My Lap top went down about two weeks ago and been trying to retrieve photos and came across one of my faves and my first poseable 12th scale Doll :O)

Newbie on the loose

Well here i am...."blogging" for the first time ever.......think its going to take a little while to find my way around, very new stuff this, but been looking around and there are some fantastic blogs, so quite excited as well.
Taking a 5 min breather from dressing my 24th scale witch. Turning these ickle clothes inside out it is a tad fiddly to say the least.
Just waiting for trims to arrive through the post so that I can put the finishing touches on her sister..........hate waiting for anything, esp when its the last piece in the puzzle so to speak...............................note to self: Try ordering sooner :O)
Right........ best be back to tying myself in knot's :O)