24th Scale Red Witch

Well she took a while to complete but i got there in the end:O)

I still have her sister to finish but I have at last got round to taking reds photo.

Her hat is removeable but i ran out of light to take any more pics.

We now have lots of grey skys and rain....but its cosy inside, so can't complain:O)

Hope everyone has a good week:O)

Mini Lily

Just a few pics of Lily.
She is my first 24th scale doll and was really only a trial to see if i could do 24th scale. I have fallen in love with making this size, its such a challenge to do things on such a small scale....don't think im ready for 48th!!!!
Going to try my hand at the Munsters family in this scale too...as well as a few other spookys that have inspired over the years:O) Hopefully get one of my 24th witches finished today.

Herman gets a head

Well its not been the most productive of weeks but had the best of intentions....Got Herman Munsters head just about sculpted and wrestled with Lily but she would not come out of the clay...........so will have to watch a few episodes of the Munsters .........all in the name of research of course ...lol!!
I still have my 24th scale witches to trim and one to wig so WILL get that done this week and post some pictures up soon!
I also have a 12th scale witch or two on the go and while im thinking about it, you should check out Bellabelle's Blog she has some fantastic new dolls.

Anyway here is a peep at Hermans head...... still unbaked wet clay in need of some scraping and adjustments.
Hes 12th scale but a 24th is on the drawing board


This is a piccy of our Molly. She is only very young here and still has her blue eyes. We discovered that she has extra toes and thumbs after she had been home about three days...... so it looks like she actually has mittens on.
Because of the extra digit's her back feet look back to front and more like rabbits feet.
We love her to bits and think she is totally adorable....extra toes n all :O)
We did some research into the extra toes and found that they were actually loved and kept by Hemingway and gained his name along with mitten cats and polydactyls.
Also thought to be omens of good luck and favoured by witches for familiars....to my expense, this last fact tickled my husband no end..............bless him:O)
Well I hope every one has had a good Easter break and now looking forward to the rest of the week.
Well im off to settle down and finish off the last of the chocs:O)


My Lap top went down about two weeks ago and been trying to retrieve photos and came across one of my faves and my first poseable 12th scale Doll :O)

Newbie on the loose

Well here i am...."blogging" for the first time ever.......think its going to take a little while to find my way around, very new stuff this, but been looking around and there are some fantastic blogs, so quite excited as well.
Taking a 5 min breather from dressing my 24th scale witch. Turning these ickle clothes inside out it is a tad fiddly to say the least.
Just waiting for trims to arrive through the post so that I can put the finishing touches on her sister..........hate waiting for anything, esp when its the last piece in the puzzle so to speak...............................note to self: Try ordering sooner :O)
Right........ best be back to tying myself in knot's :O)