This is a
piccy of our Molly. She is only very young here and still has her blue eyes. We discovered that she has extra toes and thumbs after she had been home about three days...... so it looks like she actually has mittens on.
Because of the extra digit's her back feet look back to front and more like rabbits feet.
We love her to bits and think she is totally adorable....extra toes n all :O)
We did some research into the extra toes and found that they were actually loved and kept by Hemingway and gained his name along with mitten cats and polydactyls.
Also thought to be omens of good luck and favoured by witches for familiars....to my expense, this last fact tickled my husband no end..............bless him:O)
Well I hope every one has had a good Easter break and now looking forward to the rest of the week.
Well im off to settle down and finish off the last of the chocs:O)